The never-ending story of the PDF silo - or how the digitization of financial reporting can really succeed

In an article for the DIRK - German Investor Relations Association - IR BLOG, our colleague Florian Kirchmann reflects on why traditional PDFs still dominate the financial reporting of many companies and how digitization can succeed in this area.

The Key Findings

  • Looking at the immense possibilities of digital communication, the reality of financial reporting today often seems out of date.
  • The biggest obstacle to digitalization is the time-consuming process of creating reports, which makes innovation extremely difficult.
  • Does your company work to a tight schedule and budget? Then it is advisable to think and plan in sprints when digitizing your reporting and to gradually digitize your reporting over several financial years instead of aiming for a "big hit" straight away.
  • However you proceed: Don't stand still! Don't let the gap between you and an innovative reporting culture get any bigger.

Click here for the full blog post.

Quelle: David Maunsell | Unsplash